The John Batchelor Show

VIDEO: Operation Fox Hunt

August 20, 2015

Wednesday  19 August 2015 / Hour 1, Block A: Charles Burton, professor at Brock University, in re:  Chinese agents illegally entered the US – Chinese state police passing themselves off as members of trade delegations –  have been intimidating Chinese-Americans and bullying them to return to China, threatening their families at home.  Operation Foxhunt and Operation Skynet. WSJ: "All Chinese officials are corrupt" – Xi Jinping's "anticorruption" campaign is actually two political factions fighting each other. The result of the illegal entry of Chinese agents has led to the US demanding that all Chinese police leave the US.  Something has changed since April, such that the US no longer cooperates with China; threre seems to have been some sort of rupture. Apparently no further contact between American and Chinese police departments, as that collaboration feeds into Chinese politics. The two nations have different legal codes, and due process doesn't exist in China, so there's no ______ treaty.  CCTI is well known for torture; after a victim is broken he's turned over to officials for questioning.  Canada and Australia, along with .  smaller nations. have been collaborating with China; 930 suspects have been returned to China, one supposes that all of them have been tortured.  The upcoming mtg between Mssrs Xi and Obama; China expect the US to respect China's wishes, wolens nolens, When Mr Obama refuses, Mr Xi will become unhappy