The John Batchelor Show

VIDEO: Missing IG Report

June 10, 2015

Monday  8 June 2015  / Hour 1, Block D: Sarah Westwood,  Washington Examiner, in re: The missing temporary-IG report on the Clinton Foundation: watchdog was Harold Geisel, 2008 – 2013; top officials were interfering. Mrs Clinton's security detail: removed was info abt one ambassador, where officials prevented looking into pedophilia reports, and soliciting prostitutes while on official duty. Covered up by top State staff.  Acting IGs are deeply affected by political winds. State was poorly led, poor accountability and leadership. People took guns to the elevator bank: investigators located in the same office as the officials who were investigating  Then the officials would go on leave, return with guns – and terrify the investigators. This info was removed from the final draft. Last time we saw this sort of thing was at USAID – grave charges against IG, for covering up, and he quit right away. As soon as Clinton left, a permanent IG was installed. Even the madly-reacted draft caused a furor: "undue influence" sent the Senate looking. Lawsuit by Citizens United.
State dept. ignores lawsuit over records linking Boko Haram, Clinton Foundation