The John Batchelor Show

VIDEO: 'Icky'

April 14, 2015

Monday   13 April 2015  / Hour 1, Block C: Liz Peek, The Fiscal Times & Fox, in re: Mrs Clinton's announcement video: "A Verizon commercial without the substance."  / TGM: The Democratic Party is the one of redistribution – but they sure do like some rich people. LP: If you’re a lifetime Democrat, you have to be disappointed that this is the best you can come up with – close to Wall Street, major trust issues, a hawk. . .  . I've heard that some of the big Dem donors are talking to Jeb Bush; and the Clintons haven't taken care of their big donors, incl. Penny Pritzker.  NYT projection: HRC would raise $2.5 billion.
Ted Cruz opposes Common Core, according to his website. He thinks every child deserves a quality education and breezily applauds “school choice.” Rand Paul wants to abolish the Common Core, and wants more variety in education choices.  Neither seems to make education a priority.
Note to Ted Cruz, Rand Paul and other conservative candidates: voters want to hear how you are going to fix our public schools. You’ve told us what’s wrong with Common Core, but you have failed to offer an alternative. This is vital because promising better schools might help attract Hispanic voters, and also because improved education is essential for our country’s growth and health. You cannot claim to be fiscally responsible while ignoring the failure of our schools to deliver capable graduates.   Related: Jeb Bush Stands Firm on Common Core