The John Batchelor Show

VIDEO: Democratic Socialism

November 24, 2015

Tuesday  24 November     2015 / Hour 1, Block A: Steve Moore, Heritage; in re:   Anti-Assad forces in Syria said by RT to have shot at the two Russian pilots who'd bailed out of the Sukhoi(s?) that the Turks are said to have shot down moments before.  And Bernie Sanders claims that the US is already well on the road toward being a democratic Socialist nation.  LK: Growth solves poverty. Hillary is endangering her candidacy by following Sanders. SM:  We have two Sanderses in the race: Bernie Sanders and Hillary Sanders. The size of the govt actually fell during Bill Clinton's presidency.  Socialism failed in Greece, Puerto Rico. Argentina, France, Connecticut.   American libDems have Euro-envy.  GOP shd have "Destroy ISIS " as its rallying cry.  Reagan Democrats today are often Trump supporters. We may disagree but we need to be attentive : there are millions of them.  JB: Sanders says, "We need socialism for workers, not just for Wall Street.  . . . Economic rights should be an intrinsic part." LK: Chinese are bad actors; we should have the best-quality goods at modest prices around the world.  We should slash corporate taxes – not use tariffs or protectionism.  If the GOP plays its card right – grow the pie larger, reward success – it has big opportunities [to win].  SM: Dems are trying to portray the GOP as crony capitalists, bad for he middle class, Republicans need to disassociate themselves from these, and should say they're sorry for having engaged in the disastrous bailouts. Also, ISIS gets $2-5 mill/day from oil, we should be bombing their oil and drilling our own.
Sanders touts plan to make ‘ultra-rich pay their fair share’  ; New Hampshire SEIU branch backs Sanders ; White House unveils regulatory agenda  /