The John Batchelor Show

VIDEO: China's Second Strike Boomers

December 11, 2014

Wednesday  10 December  2014 / Hour 1, Block D:  Rick Fisher, Intl Strategy and Assessment Center, in re:   JIN class boomers.  China will aim for 20 nuclear attack subs; if the US bases 30 in the Pacific, we can park only ten in situ; bad for us, both to pursue boomers and to protect our Pacific coast.  Our amiable had to the democracy in Taiwan and help out SE as Asian allies cause much fear in Beijing.  Chinese road-mobile ICBMs hard to find in their huge tunnel system, However, it was Mao who wanted the first SSBM just to match the US; now they're near the third generation.  "Do they sit around and have hate sessions?"  Yes – news articles n how nuclear tipped missile can destroy multiple US cities – and named them.  Boomers are still a bit too noisy; next gen may have Russian attribute of quietude.